Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Psychic Powers?

A fellow anonymous blogger just posted a picture of his. I was shocked when I saw it because I had a mental image of the guy, and it was scarily similar to the one I had in my mind.

I suppose that somewhere in me there is a psychic gift of some sort, which to me doesn’t mean that there is a god. It just means that we are all in some fashion connected and that our vibes sometimes cross each others’.

As psychics go, if I have a touch of that, it is minimal. I am unable to predict the future or to even know in advance who’s calling when the phone rings. But my intuition is definitely in “tune” in certain areas.

I have a sister with whom we have almost the same thoughts. We don’t even like each other, but our DNA’s must be almost identical. We have the same diseases and very similar physical features. Now that she has a baby, I yearn to see the baby, but not wanting to become a pest, I try not to walk the three blocks to her house more than once a week.

However, on days when I’m planning on calling her, she often calls first. One day, I was desperately wanting to see the baby and had even changed and showered so I could go there, when she rang the bell.

I can’t understand why I have this connection with my least favourite sister, and I’m pretty sure the feeling is mutual. I also can’t understand why I love her baby so much, but it is hard not to love babies, right? They’re all so adorable. (Or maybe it is that half his DNA is the same as mine.)

I also have the “gift” of getting a psychological x-ray of people when I meet them. I can usually tell immediately if they’re shallow, liars, have a low self-esteem, or are in some way obnoxious.

I have always considered this a curse, because I see who they really are and tend to dislike them right off the bat. Often, I have refused to hear my inner voice telling me these things about people, and I now think it was a mistake.

I now believe that, ideally, I should find something to like in them, in spite of being sure of their shortcomings. After all, who of us is perfect?

I need to learn that even liars and bullies are people with something in them worthy of my respect. But, honestly, I’m not sure I have what it takes to do that. Any ideas?

Do you have any “powers” that can be loosely categorized as psychic?


Anonymous said...

i believe the same way as you. that it's just that we're all a bit connected and that's how these things happen. and i have this feeling about as often as you it sounds. once for example, i had a dream that a friend of mine had her baby even though she wasn't due for another week or two. and after i woke up, within 30 minutes she and her husband called us on the way to the hospital. and sometimes i dream people i care about are sad and it turns out they are. but mostly my dreams are random or about my own issues.

that's interesting about your sister. i wonder if the reason you dislike each other so much isn't because you are so similar.

Unrepentant said...

Those things certainly happen, mountainmama. I don't believe for a second that we should throw people who dream things in the loony bin.

I guess the part that gets me is when people claim to dream stuff consistently. That I find impossible to believe.

As for my sister, I agree with you, too. It's like looking at yourself in the mirror. It's pretty scary.

In my case, I find it helpful. When I see her doing disagreeable stuff, I examine myself and try to stop it, if I find that I do that too.

starry eyed said...

I have had 'psychic' incidents about a cousin's road accident in Toronto, and I found my cousin's brother on chat the next day, and he told me she'd survived a total wreck but was in bad shape. I'd dreamed that she died, so I was terrified for a few days.

I agree with mm, we usually dislike people who reflect the traits we don't like about ourselves!!!

Temaskian said...

I seem to have the ability to see through people too. It's probably nothing pschic though, it's just being extra-sensitive, and observing, plus we like to think? I dunno.