Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I was tagged by Starryeyed, and I decided to respond right away. The questions are great, and in a few months I can look back and see what I was feeling like today. So here we go.

  1. What's for dinner? Tofu a la king, steamed rice, creamy coleslaw
  2. What's the last thing you bought? Weekly vegetable and fruit supply
  3. What are you listening to right now? The Colbert Report
  4. What do you think about the person who tagged you? One of the most evolved women I know.
  5. If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? Southern Spain, Seville, maybe.
  6. What's the principle you live life by? Come on Lorena! Let's not give up. Let's keep trying.
  7. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America.
  8. Which language do you want to learn? German & French, so I can read signs at museums in the parts of Europe where those languages are spoken.
  9. What's your favourite quote? "Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear" Thomas Jefferson.
  10. Who do you want to meet right now? No one in particular -- I'd love to see my nephew, though.
  11. What is your favourite colour? Pink
  12. What is your favourite piece of clothing in your own closet? Three loose, 100% cotton, elastic waste band pants that I bought on sale in Reno.
  13. What is your dream job? No idea. Perhaps a job in which I use my computer and writing skills to solve unimaginable problems.
  14. What's your favourite magazine? Sorry, don't read magazines!
  15. If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on? A few movies/mini-series of Jane Austen books that I don't have, like the latest version of Persuasion.
  16. What do you consider a fashion faux pas? Fat women wearing tight clothes
  17. Describe your personal style? Extremely casual. Usually wear pants or shorts, stretchy, fitted tops, and casual shoes or runners.
  18. What are you going to do after this? Will watch Criminal Minds
  19. What are your favourite movies? Nothing pops to mind. But I love a couple of Jayne Eyre versions and the Pride & Prejudice mini-series
  20. Which is your favourite poem? Sorry, not into poetry, but if I had to pick something, I would probably go for the lyrics of a Spanish song--more into music than poetry.
  21. What inspires you? Successful people who don't necessarily make lots of money but who make money doing what they love.
  22. What do you carry in your bag? phone, wallet, change purse, sun glasses, appointment book, lactose digestive enzyme, receipts.
  23. Coffee or tea? Herbal tea
  24. What do you do when you're feeling low or terribly depressed? It's been a while, but I would be likely to watch my Jane Austen-based movies.
  25. What is the meaning of your name? In real life, my name means Lois. If you care to, you can find my name by reading this Bible verse in Spanish. Mine is the second name in that verse, if you can make it out.
  26. Which other blogs do you love visiting? Too many to list
  27. Favourite dessert/sweet? Salvadorean pastries, fried plantains
  28. Favourite season? Winter, I sleep better when it's cold
  29. If I come to your house now what will you cook for me? Steak. It's easy. But I won't eat with you. Vegetarian these days.
  30. What's your current mood? Peaceful
  31. Which feature of yours do you like the most? My brain.


starry eyed said...

Wow, can I come for dinner;) I'm feeling quite hungry after reading some of your answers...Salvadorean pastries...sigh!

Thanks for the compliment, that is so nice of ya! I loved the answer about succesful ppl doing what they love:)

Anonymous said...

Sure, come for dinner. I'll make you vegetarian food :)

My health is poor these days, so I must eat healthy. I cook my husband's meat, though.

Anonymous said...

ooh i would love to ear your cooking too! i'm vegetarian also :)

thanks for sharing your answers~ i enjoyed reading them. and you have a beautiful name, if i understood your directions correctly :)

hope all is well with you~

Temaskian said...

I'm not vegetarian, but I try to eat a lot of vegetables. Maybe one day I'll eventually turn into a vegetarian.

By the way, does being a vegetarian make you more aware of the smell of meat? I find that some meat-dishes totally turns me off, now that I eat more vegetables.

Unrepentant said...

I don't know about smells. I lack a sense of smell due to a chronic sinus infection I've suffered since childhood.

But I've started to smell stuff (a little bit) recently. Maybe being a low-carb vegetarian will restore my sense of smell.