Tuesday, September 15, 2009

They like him -- They like him not

So husband may lose his job in two weeks or he may not.

If he loses it, he has to start looking for work. He hasn’t yet. Why?

Because he works at a major university and he wants to stay there. The benefits are awesome. Plus, he isn’t very good at looking for work while still employed--or ever.

The gig is actually ending at the end of September, his contractor gig, that is. But the position will become permanent, under a different department, and he’s applied for it.

They were supposed to tell him last week. They haven’t said anything yet. But a higher up told him the rumor is that he’s been chosen. Nobody can figure out why my husband hasn’t been told yet.

What does all this mean to me?

If he keeps his job, I’ll have great benefits and the guarantee of an income. We can perfectly live happily ever after with that money. So it does mean a lot to me. No wonder I am in such agony.

It will also mean that I'll have time for a little retraining before the economy bounces back and I start seriously looking for work. What I’m thinking I’ll do is volunteer in my areas of interest, just to see what it is that I like doing for work.

If he doesn’t get the job, I’ll have to look for work immediately, doing anything. I may still take a few courses, but I will be depleting our savings and that makes me nervous.

Also, the anxiety of not knowing when he’ll work again may set my fight-or-flight response in high gear, making me hard to live with and jeopardizing my already fragile health.

Our anxiety level is very high right now. We can’t make any plans. We can’t look at the future too enthusiastically, because we are facing the possibility of a long winded job search.

The good news is that his contract does expire on September 30, and we will know by then for sure. For now, I will have to continue pulling petals off the flower, “They like him. They like him not.”


starry eyed said...

Awwww...sounds scary. I hope everything works out. It feels frightening to me too, to think I would have to go back out someday and earn a lot more than I'm making now from my work-from-home job.

Keeping my fingers crossed for your husband's job. And for you...wishing you peace and confidence:)

Unrepentant said...

Thanks, Starry.

We found out late afternoon yesterday that they will extend his contract for six months. Then they will re-post the job, and he has to apply, again :(

They're calling it "probation" and say that if they like his performance, when he re-applies, it will be only a matter of paper work--no interviews or anything.

But I have a theory about that.

His salary was going to come down by $12K a year if they gave him the job, which was one level down in the union's salary scale.

My theory is that they like him too much to pay him so "little."

So they will re-post the job at a higher salary, and they will just give him the job. Giving how brilliant he is, it isn't an outlandish theory.

I really think they want to pay him what he deserves. They will like his work. The people he works with adore him--as much as I do :)

So until then, I will not get free university courses, but I will thereafter. I can go for a PHD if I want, and do not have to pay course fees.

Thank you for caring, Starry. I appreciate it.