Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Health bits and stuff

I noticed recently that I always forget the “tricks” I came up with the last time I was really sick, so I’ve decided to write them down.

When I had the sinus infection, I completely forgot that washing my sinuses with saline using a syringe is tremendously effective. I would’ve saved lots of pain if I had remembered.

The humidifier is great, too, but I don’t like to “steam” the furniture, so I had to sleep in the guest room with all the stuff covered with blankets. It wasn’t fun at all. The bed there isn’t nearly as comfy as our bed, plus my man hates to sleep alone.

I had a good excuse for ending up at the ER when I had that horrible stomachache. After all, I wasn’t home. Had I been home, I would’ve made tea of fennel seeds, cumin seeds, ginger, and lemon. It would have cured me in a snap.

Unfortunately, I don’t have a trick for lower back pain, but I have noticed that walking slowly helps. Like I told my husband last night, the problem for me is bending down. If I do it too much, then I hurt my lower back, and once I’ve done it, I shouldn’t sit too long.

I need to keep moving, gingerly so. That’s what I do in the morning, upon getting up, when I’m sore the most. I just move slowly for a little while. It really helps.

I am feeling a bit better today, thank goodness. Only my lower back is hurting a bit.

But I am mentally preparing myself for a weekend alone. My husband is going to his parents for Thanksgiving. He’ll be gone from Friday to Monday. I’ll miss him a lot. But I prefer to miss him that to come back emotionally wounded from being around my M-I-L for that long. She’s one of those people with a nasty personality. Her words and mannerisms hurt even when she is trying to be nice.

I’ll find something to do. I need to refresh my Javascript and PHP so I can include them on my resume, anyway. My job options are becoming clear to me. Getting out there really helps, as much as I hate it.

Yesterday, I went to a local bloggers meeting. I was surprised to learn that it was a combined get together to celebrate the launching of a free newspaper in the area. So I got to the pub and found lots of people standing up and talking. Not knowing anyone, I stood there for a few minutes. I think I had an anxiety attack, feeling stupid to have gone all the way downtown for that.

I am not the kind of person who enjoys loud parties full of strangers. I like small quiet parties. So, I decided to go home after about three minutes. But at the elevator, I met the person who had invited me. I went back to the party and stayed for about 30 minutes, talked to a total of six people, collected a couple of business cards, and left.

I told myself that I will not put myself through that for too long. A few minutes is OK to start, as I get better, I may stay longer.

The purpose of being there was to find out if I can work in social media and other technologies, but if I have to endure social gatherings like that one constantly to make connections, I may want to think of something else. I like quiet. Few people. Space to think. Noise isn’t for me.

Anyway, thanks for listening.


starry eyed said...

Hey Unrepentant! That sounds so painful...I hope you recover soon.

Hubby's back pain was really resolved quite a bit with some Louise Hay affirmations. Acc to her, lower back is where one stores a fear of money and the feeling of a lack of financial support. AHEM!!!! This really resonates with your last and this post. Worrying about your future, and ur husband's and your careers? D'you think so? (You can throw my theory out the window!)

Unrepentant said...


It sounds right on. If fears cause back pain, we found the reason, since well, I am the queen of fears.

It really isn't far fetched. When you are afraid, you tense up, and your body suffers.

I think affirmations are very powerful. It is a way to re-program the brain and nothing else. Most of the stuff that folks like Louise Hay promote is wisdom discovered through experience, so I don't oppose it.

What I've read is that when we're under stress, the body pumps adrenaline like crazy, to keep you going. You don't get sick (or feel the sickness) because of the adrenaline. But when the stressor (sp?) goes away, the adrenaline stops flowing, and then you get sick.

I am going to write myself a bunch of heart-felt affirmations and repeat them at least once a day, and see if it helps.

Maybe the positive emotions raised by affirmations will create a little serotonin to help me relax.

I should meditate, too. I always promise myself to do 5 minutes and usually forget. Darn.

I'll write a post with my fears, too. If I look at them right in the eye, they may leave me for a while.

Anonymous said...

so things with your mil still aren't that good? i remember the wedding improved things some.

maybe you could do something fun or pampering for yourself while he's gone. something for you to look forward to. like a day at the spa, getting a massage, or something like that. maybe a jane austen film marathon? :)

i'm sorry that blogger meeting turned out to be an awkward one for you. i'm sure i would have felt the same way. i'm nervous in new situations, around strangers, crowds, and certainly all the above put together would have made me quite anxious too! so good for you for even trying it! very brave indeed~

i'm glad you're in touch with what remedies have helped you before.

i've had severe lower back pain also, i may have already told you. so i sympathize very much with your current pain. i'll refrain from giving you any further advice in this comment, i think i already gave some and that's probably too much! :)

glad you're feeling better~~

Unrepentant said...

Thanks, MMM.

We are having a sunny weekend, so I'll be out there enjoying myself. But I also have a lot of reading to do, so I'll be busy this weekend.

I think it interesting that in one blog there would be 3 fearful people who suffer lower-back pain: you, starry's husband, and me.

Maybe that confirms Louise's Hay opinion that fears cause l-b pain, as per Starry's comment.

Anonymous said...

i wouldn't doubt it. i've got plenty of fear to go around. dammit. :)

Unrepentant said...

i've got plenty of fear to go around. dammit.