Friday, April 23, 2010

Sick but still working on back-to-the-workforce plan

So I am sick again. I’ve been sick since Wednesday, and I can’t help but remember that the last time I was ill, it was in October, when I was about to start my job search. Then the illness set me back, and I put the job search on the back burner for a while.

Why do I get sick every time I start looking for work? I don’t know, but I have a few theories.

  1. When I get busy, I start eating all the wrong foods, and the food intolerances make my ongoing issues flare up.

  2. It is possible that subconsciously my body sees “work” as a threat to the status quo and that all kinds of stress-related hormones are released, burdening my immune system.

  3. My immune system is no longer used to the common viruses that hang out there, since I rarely get out and meet people. So I’m an easy target.

Most likely, it is all of the above. But I’ve decided that nothing will hinder me. I am getting out there, and I am going to find a job. It is business as usual.

This week, I took a job interview questions class and an interpersonal relationships class. Next week I’ll take assertiveness. Interestingly enough, some of those courses are at 9 am, and are sparingly attended. In fact, one of my classes was a one-on-one. I felt so lucky. I sat there with the employment counsellor for two hours, and we discussed the most difficult issues I tend to have with people, and we devised some strategies to address my concerns. I would’ve had to pay over $200 to get that type of service.

So the work is going. Let’s hope that I’ll get a job in May.


me as i am said...

i'm sorry you've been sick. i would think definitely like you said, stress bringing down your immune system, would be a major factor.

hope you're feeling better now~

and those classes sound great! i'm so glad you get to do that and there are barely any other attendees. good for you~

Unrepentant said...


Thanks! I know it sounds gross, but I've washing my sinuses with saline up to three times a day, and the improvement has been unprecedented. So, that's good.

As for the courses, if I didn't know better, I would think there is a god.

The focus of the workshops is to make people job ready: exactly what I needed. It's so awesome, because we're addressing my particular issues with great detail. I feel free to say what bothers me about people, and we discuss assertive ways in which the issues can be addressed.

It's amazing how that increases my self-confidence. I am so grateful!

They're still working on my resume. Once they give it to me, in the next couple of days, I'll start sending it to all kinds of places, and to hope for the best.

I will discuss direct personal marketing with the job placement worker. So I'm looking forward to that part.

Thanks again!

me as i am said...

That all sounds so wonderful :) I'm so happy for you that you get to go through this process. It sounds quite therapeutic actually!

And I am prone to sinus infections so I don't think it's gross to talk about sinus irrigation :) I'm glad you are feeling better!