Saturday, March 13, 2010

My Own Pep Talk

I don’t like to preach, but often, when I see folks acting out and doing crazy stuff, I wish I could talk to them, open their eyes, and help them see what really is important in life.

I wish I could tell them to stop playing the audience, to do what they love, as long as they’re respecting others. I’d like them to understand that others aren’t too interested in what we’re doing. Rightfully so, others care about their own affairs and, often, we’re the last thing in their minds.

I want some of my friends to understand that the best things in life are free, and that happiness is a state of mind not a state of having, and that success does not guarantee contentment.

I look at some folks, notice their potential, and desire to make them understand that what’s in their minds is what traces their path. If they think they’re losers, they will always be losers. If they think they can’t get, they’ll never have.

I’ve been pondering these ideas for so long, that when I interact socially, those are the thoughts I entertain. I am always thinking of how much more of life people could get if they followed my “gospel.”

It is time for me to listen to my own pep talk. I need to practice what I would preach were I a preacher. There is hope for me yet. I’ve been hearing those messages as they apply to my situation--most of them, anyway.

I don’t know what potential I have left. But I’ve been playing for the last few years. Something I never did even as a child. Now that I’ve accumulated sweet wonderful memories that I was missing from my repertoire, I am ready to face life again.

So I will. I may need to upgrade my skills a little before I can find suitable work, but I am not afraid. I’m thinking of finding some part time job while I take classes so I can get a much better job. I think it will happen, and I’m excited. So here we go.


me as i am said...

that sounds wonderful~~ yes, i think sometimes it seems easier to look at others and think we know what they need. like how the coach on the sidelines may be the best one to know what the players need to do to win the game.

but often that just makes us unhappy and engage in controlling behavior.

i feel like i'm undergoing a similar switch myself, trying to focus more on making myself happy lately. instead of trying to find my happiness through others, expecting them to make me happy, or focus my energies in others, trying to "make" them feel something.

i'm happy for you~ it sounds like you're in a really good place.

Unrepentant said...

Yes, it is a similar place. I find myself talking to me and saying, "Those people don't have to like you. It is their right to prefer other people."

It helps me let go. It sets me free to be me and to let others be themselves.

After all, not everybody has to like us, only those with which we share enough similarities to ensure a good relationship.

I'm thinking that if I apply, for say, 1000 jobs, somebody in that pool will be compatible with me and will hire me.

me as i am said...

i've been saying the same thing to myself. and was just talking about this yesterday. how i feel like i'm finally letting go of feeling like everyone has to like me. it sounds so irrational, but really, i used to take any rejection so personally and feel so easily hurt. and disregard the people who actually love and accept me, because SOMEONE out there didn't like me so i must be doing something wrong.

i have been saying "let it go" to myself a lot lately. like "i can let go of needing to be accepted/approved of/liked" etc. it will only make us stronger.

the more we are able to take rejection as no more than water off our backs, the better we'll be able to move through life.

hope the job app process goes well for you~ i'm excited for you :)

Unrepentant said...

Yes, rejection is the big issue with job hunting. I need to be ready for possible rejection before I can see any success.

I need to remind myself that job hunting will be a learning process, that each resume and/or interview will teach me something that I can use on my next one.

me as i am said...

that sounds like a good approach.

i've always imagined if i could approach life as though i were a sociologist doing a study i'd feel better. if i could maintain some healthy element of detachment, curiosity and desire to learn.

sociologist or alien from mars. sometimes humans behave in a way that make me feel like i'm from another planet anyway :)